I2 analyst notebook 8 user guide
I2 analyst notebook 8 user guide

The application is frequently found in the C:\Program Files (x86)\i2 Analyst's Notebook 8 directory (same installation drive as Windows). MsiExec. If you are creating charts that contain happenings that took place in different time zones, you can specify in which time zone the happenings took place. It is meant for a new or inexperienced i2 user. This post is a quick tutorial on the basics of i2 ANB. Adding Chart Items with Different Time Zones. Welcome to the IBM i2 Analysts Notebook documentation, where you can find information about how to use IBM i2 Analysts Notebook in your investigations. In this i2 Analyst’s Notebook Tutorial, we are going to cover the basics including what analysts use i2, the essential components of ANB, introduce you to charts, and the basic ANB search capabilities. Now launch the i2 Analyst's Notebook application.

i2 analyst notebook 8 user guide

Select a language of your choice (for example, Japanese) Step 4. How to uninstall IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook 8 from your computerYou can find on this page details on how to remove IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook 8 for Windows. It was created for Windows by IBM. You can find out more on IBM or check for application updates here. More data about the app IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook 8 can be found at. 316 i2 Analyst’s Notebook 8 User Guide: Creating Charts. Step 1: On the Windows desktop, click on 'start' -> 'All Programs' Step 2: Go to 'IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook 9' -> 'IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook 9 Language Selector'.

I2 analyst notebook 8 user guide